Jake Walton

The Creator of the creation

Jake Walton
The Creator of the creation

Psalm 139:13 - "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”


What amazes me is that they, we, have the imaginations, drive, passion and creativity to design and build the greatest structures on earth.

Magnificent. Breathtaking.

One person or multiple people together can envision and put into reality some raw untamed beauty that is formed in the top part of your body also known as your head!

These people, you, are brilliant, genius, and have such power and influence.

Crazy fact.

In one instance you could be dead and replaced more quickly than you would ever want to know.

Craziest fact of all.

If we as humans were made in the image of God and He "formed" you in your mother’s womb. He built and designed your head and all those crazy wires inside of your brain.

Structures? Buildings? Magnificent? Breathtaking?

God created the minds and the imaginations that give you permission to build your buildings and chase your dreams.

Because He knows a thing or two about imagination and creativity. What might that be? You ask. Take a look at the stars in which He calls them all by name. Take a look at the mountains standing firm and powerful. Watch the waves of the ocean crash and destroy. Then, if you dare think you are stronger yet, take a look in the mirror. You are a miracle.

God created the minds that created the greatest buildings on earth. And we haven’t even begun to know or understand the creativity, love, and passion of a holy and jealous God.

we are very replaceable and incredibly loved.
